How to handle different encodings in Workflow from LPD-Input


our system for creating invoices is now running for two weeks.

In this time we saw, that 95 from 100 our invoices runs through workflow without problems. The other 5 invoices created parse errors in the datamapper.

As we looked at the datamapper and the designer we can´t see any problems. But we realized that the file comes in different encodings from the AS/400.

In the Designer the encoding is set to IBM850, and in the workflow we used the encoding converter (850-1252), but this is deactivated at the time, because the conversion results in display errors with special characters.

What can we do to be sure, that encoding is always correct?

Thank you for your answers


So the encoding coming from the AS/400 is always the same or does it vary?

I am not really sure, if they have the same encoding. Some files are encoded with ascii, the other files shows no encoding in Notepad++. But I don’t know how reliable Notepad++ is, to detect the encoding.

I do not know if this is the case here but I have seen a situation at another customer where the data coming out of their AS/400 had multiple encodings inside of the same file due to a concatenation of data happening on their AS/400.

If ever it is the case here, the Translator plugin in Workflow won’t be able to fix it. You might be able to fix your files using a script.