I am trying to create a detail table within a detail table on a Designer template.
Here’s a picture of how the template should look like:
However, the output of my template shows that the BOM sub-table & PersInfo sub-table rows follow all of the Detail table rows as shown below:
I believe the DataMapper is setup correctly:
Could you please tell me how to nest a detail table within a detail table so that it looks like the first image above? I’ve tried using the Dynamic Table Wizard in several different ways with no luck. Here’s some of my source code if that helps:
Was this resolved? I have a very similar data file, with line items that can have an internal description field that “wraps” over several lines. I have the line items in a Detail Table, and nested under the Detail table is a “Descriptions” table that captures the variable- and multi- line description.
I have the same need: one of the TD elements in the top-level dynamic table needs to contain a “child” dynamic table to display the description “field”.
Thank you. I did figure out how to do this, once I understood how the newest Dynamic Table wizard worked, with additional rows pulling from the “detail sub detail” table. My need was to have one row with one of the values pulled from this table. Re-working my data map to include the “first part of the description” field within the detail table itself, and all the subsequent “parts” of the description going into the “descriptions” sub-detail table, worked, as it matches how the Dynamic Table wizard builds and references rows.