How to align text vertical without half-leading (leading, following spaces)


I have to align text within a div vertical middle. Actually I use display:table for the div and display:table-cell for the text (span) to center the text vertical within the div. But now I have the problem to align the text independent of the used font in the middle of the div because the baseline of “Arial Unicode MS” is further down than e.g. the baseline of “Arial”.

Is there a way to get the capital letter height (the real height of character without half-leading on the top and the bottom)?


The only thing I could come up with is wrapping the text with an extra span and set its position to relative and apply a negative top.

Below the HTML (used inline styles to illustrate what I did, suggest to use a CSS stylesheet):

<div style="width: 60mm; height: 100mm; display: table;">
    <div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle">
        <h1 style="font-family: Arial Unicode MS"><span style="position: relative; top: -.045em">FH</span></h1>

Hope this is of some help,
