How do I use Planet Press Workflow Image plugin to output PDF

I tried to use the image plugin to output PDF file,but the error occurred!

Here is Error Message?

REQST: PPImage Request - 11:36:12

INFO: Processing file C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Image\QueuedJobs\
DEBUG: Reading job options from input file
DEBUG: Watch Process Name : Process2
INFO: Starting conversion…
INFO: Initializing PlanetPress Alambic…
INFO: Distilling file to Test.pdf…
ERROR: I1013 : No pages defined in the index file (i.e. pdi/xml), moving files to error directory
ERROR: I1005 : Error while processing job; moving file to error folder:

REQST: End time: 11:36:16 (elapsed time: 00:00:04:485)

I search the Internet about this error, but they are using the Planet Press Suite 7.

I can’t find the solution with Planet Press Connect.

PlanetPress Image is designed to create archives of the input file. As such it assumes that an index file will be created along side the PDF. When no such file exists, or the file does not have any index info, it assumes that something went wrong with the conversion, which is what you are seeing here.

The index file is an artefact produced during the creation of the PDF archive. This will only happen if the PDF is created based on a file produced by one of Objectif Lune’s document creation tool, such as PlanetPress Design or Connect Designer. While arbitrary PostScript files will distill successfully, the index file will not be created in this case.

If you want to create a PDF file from an arbitrary PostScript job (i.e. one that was created by other means than our document creation tools, e.g. a captured print job), you may use the Digital Action task available in the Actions plugins. For those without PlanetPress Imaging (an add-on bundle that includes PlanetPress Image and PlanetPress Fax), the more restrictive Create PDF task can also be used.