How do I output a Print Context (page) x number of times based upon a data field?

I have a CSV file with a field that contains the number of copies of a secondary page to output. I set up Section 1 as the address cover page. Now, I want to use the number of copies field to generate x copies of Section 2. I cannot seem to figure out how to make that happen. Ideas?

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HI pgm4fun,

What will contains this Section 2. one single page? multiple pages? PDF as a Background?



one single page

I don’t think there is a specific way to create x copies of a section.

For handling 1 page, you could have an (almost) page sized object on the page and repeat that by the number of copies you need. The object does not have to be visible: an empty box with no boundaries and no background would work. The normal page flow will then create the copies for you.

Repeating that object is (almost) a 1-liner. Put an id or class on the object and use that in a selector of a script.

for (var index=1; index < record.fields.nrCopies; index++)

Note: I have to admit that I did not test the script, so I apologize for any typos/errors.