How Do I Change The Line Spacing In Detail Tables


The title says it all. The default line spacing in detail tables is to far apart. The only option I see regarding line spacing are Letter & Word spacing. I might be missing the obvious here.



By default, the padding CSS attribute for table rows (<td>? elements) is set to 1px 5px;

You can override that by adding to the default.css resource your own values.

.table-light-red td{ padding: 0px 0px; border: 0 }

Make sure you specify the proper class (i.e. .table-light-red or .table-light-blue, etc.)

Hi Phil,

Thanks again for your assistance. I’m using the no style detail table. The Default.CSS looks like this…

/* No Style */
.table-no-style {
width: 100%;
border-collapse: collapse;

So I added to it like this…

/* No Style */
.table-no-style {
width: 100%;
border-collapse: collapse;
.table-no-style td { padding: 0px 0px; border: none}

However no changes are made to the detail table.



Here’s a screenshot of the default detail tables on my system. The one on top is using the No Style version with the modification to the padding and the border, while the one at the bottom is using the table-light-red version. The difference may not be readily apparent, but the table on the bottom is 10mm higher than the one on top (which makes sense since the vertical padding for the styled version is 1px per row).

Are you saying your No Style version has spacing similar to my table-light-red version?

Below is a screenshot of my table. It looks to me like your table-light-red. Even when I put values such as 10px 10px I seen no difference in the table spacing.

Please attach a sample of your Template here, there has to be something overriding the styles you’re using and it’s almost impossible to pinpoint without taking a look at them.

Here you go. Let me know once downloaded so I can remove the links. (wish PM had file sharing.)

Just to let anyone who might read this. After installing Connect Designer version after we purchased PlanetPress. The above info from Phil does indeed work as advised. Just note that the changes will not reflect unless you save the CSS or your template.