Hi, can some one help me with a code to remove a lines in dynamic table, where price is 0 (class=“LineAmount”)
Due to law regulations I cannot display such items in the table. I get quite many such free gifts, that shall be just hidden.
I did research, but so far I was not able to add this functionality
Here is my code:
Lp. | Nazwa |
Ilość |
Cena jedn. netto |
Wartość netto |
Stawka VAT |
Kwota VAT |
Wartość brutto |
@L6@. | @N7@ | @Q9@ | @N8@ | @L3@ | @L4@ | @L5@ | @S10@ |
RABAT | 1 szt. | @cal_VAT_Rabat@ | @cal_VAT_Rabat@ | 23% | @cal_VAT_Rabat2@ | @cal_Total_Brutto@ |
tt |
Razem | @cal_Netto_Total@ | 23% | @calc_VAT_Total@ | @InvoiceAmount@ |