Font bold styles not applied on print / print preview

I am currently trialing a new font, Gotham Book, for printed letters.

When I import the font and apply the font in the connect designer, source, the style is correctly applied in both draft and preview windows. Some of the text is specifically selected to be bold in style.

However, when I print preview the document or print the document to a printer, the bold style disappears. Instead the font is shown in Gotham Book, but normal weight.

I have tried modifying the output behavior to not use simple fonts

Given recent work on Fonts I have tested the latest release of Planet Press Connect, however the outcome is the same.

I suspect there is a special setting in the output which is causing the resultant styles to be replaced.


Fonts selection can be a little finicky. Take for example, in your case, Gotham Book. I have that font installed on my PC (while it shows up as Gotham Light it is actually Gotham Book in the details):

Something to note is that I only have regular and italic versions of Gotham Light (Gotham Book). Which means that even if I use the bold option in the Designer, there is actually no installed bold equivalent of Gotham Light (which would be Gotham Light Bold). As such, it just defaults to Gotham Light.


With another font, like Garamond, I have both the bold and italic versions of Garamond regular:


Which means I can use both bold and italic in the Designer and it will output correctly:


If you can find a bold Gothic Book, which shares the same font convention name, it should work when you print it.

Best Regards

Justin Leigh

You may also try adding the font files to the template (Fonts folder in the Resources panel) and map the font files to the corresponding weight in the Font Manager (Edit menu).


I can confirm that adding specific styles for Gotham Bold resolved my bold style issues.