When an HTML element is right-clicked, there is a “Make Conditional” option. The end result is that the element is assigned an ID, and a script that queries that specific ID to toggle visibility.
If a separate element requires the same condition, that’s not possible because each element must have a UNIQUE ID.
To reuse a Condition, instead of using the ID as the selector, one would assign a class to every element you want to share the Condition, and modify the Selector of the script to select the CLASS instead of the ID.
My feature request is to make building a “class-based” script part of the Make Conditional GUI.
In fact, I think it would make more sense to default to adding a class/class selector in the Make Conditional rather than ID/ID selector. That would also be more inline with PlanetPress Suite, where Conditions could by default be applied to any object. With Connect, conditions default to a specific, single object.