I am getting the error below after all records have been extracted.
WARN [22 Mar 2016 13:35:57,709][DataMapping thread] com.objectiflune.datamining.text.internal.engine.StepExecuter.runSkip(?:?)[COMPONENT=Data Mapping][SOURCE=Goto123] The step is out of bound (DME000130)
I am using a delimited text file which ends with the delimiter, /f. The file only has 100 records but the mapper shows 101 and I get the error when printing all or viewing the last record.
Is there a way I can use a script to stop reading records if there is no more data after the delimiter?
Click on the chain link in the Editor Toolbar then select the “Send” tab in the dialog: that allows you to upload a file to the server.
As for your data, you should just select the “W001” string at the top of the page, then in the Settings pane change the Page Delimiter Type from On Lines to On Text. A new document boundary will be set each time that string is found in that location, regardless of where the FF characters are.