Extracting data form PDF file name

Disregard this question - I figured out why. It was due to how I was naming the csv file.

Hi - I have a workflow where I am pulling a specific name from a pdf file name and creating a csv. For example - pdf name - QTSMT123456_789456123_201810.pdf

I am extracting the 123456 from the name and creating a csv. this works fine - no issues

My issue is that I placed 6,000 pdf’s in a folder and my result was 60 csv files. they did the number I needed but I do not know why they created 60 separate csv files. The files contain approx. 45-100 numbers in each file.

Is there a limit I can do this with?

My workflow looks like this.

Folder capture → Run Script → Create File → Send to folder

My run script looks like this -
dim fileName, bpaNumber
fileName =Watch.ExpandString(“%O”)
bpaNumber = Mid(fileName,5,6)
Watch.SetJobInfo 1, bpaNumber

My Create file is using %1 as my job info.

Am I missing something to have just one big csv file?
Thank you