External SVG image size is smaller than expected in Connect designer when served over http

I’m having trouble with SVG images served from a web server. I’ve created a report with the following HTML.

<img src="file:///C:/TeamProjects/PPConnect/ReportTemplates/resources/image/sample.svg">
<img src="http://localhost:8080/image/sample.svg">

Both point at the same file but the second image is much smaller than expected, I’ve attached a screenshot below showing the output.

Is there a trick to getting this type of image to appear correctly in a report or is this just expected and I should just scale it?

If the images of both locations are really the same the result on the page should be the same as well.

Check the HTML code if there is any style or attribute applied which causes a different size.

Had already a similar issue where to the local graphic a style for scaling the image was added.