Example using extractMeta()?

Do the exists an example of using the extractMeta() function?

I need to extract some metadata from pdf’s and I can’t figure out what levelName should be.

This will work will PDF\VT (and AFP) files which have metadata fields embedded in them at the “page”, “document”, and\or “global” levels. If you know your PDF\VT (or AFP) has these metadata fields, you can extract them in the data mapper using the extractMeta() function.

For instance, assume that the field CustomerID has been embedded at the “document” level, to extract that field, you would use:

data.extractMeta(“document”, “CustomerID”);

Likewise, if the BactID metadata field was added to the job or global of the PDF\VT (or AFP), you would use:

data.extractMeta(“global”, “BatchID”);

The names of the metadata fields and levels are case sensitive.