We have a problem when using the index of a detailed records in a script, to check if there should be a line or not after each detailed line.
In print(pdf), web and designer everything is ok, but in when the email is received the line is there for each line after the first line was in the “if” was made to the detailed lines. Is that a know issue, or am I doing something wrong ?
var ItemDetails = record.tables.detailedPickup[index];
var RecordCount = record.tables.detailedPickup.length;
if (RecordCount > 0 && ItemDetails.index < RecordCount) {
Here the code is for the line}
I know that this is just a snippet of my template, but someone might have seen this problem before.
I will fix it manually, by adding a record number to each detailed record in the datamapper, and use that instead of the index, but that’s just a quick fix.
Thanks in advance.
PS: This is on version 1.3.1 (The Customer is going to upgrade in October)