Hi 'm struggling to create seperate PDF files from a XML file, using metadata found on a node,
error message I recieve:
16:19:08.201 [0018] W3001 : Error while executing plugin: HTTP/1.1 500 LoggedApplicationException: There was an error running the output creation process caused by ApplicationException: New file tries to overwrite file created in this run ‘C:\Users\ol-admin\Connect\filestore\7396.7846260096997994420\16082018.pdf’
In the output directoy it creates during the create print content a txt file with the outputname as set in the Job outpumask in the output presets.
If I run a XML with only 1 document it works perfect, but with multiple documents I keep running into above error. The correct PDF files are created in the mentioned folder with the correct names. But not in the folder set.
Any help much appreciated