Right, I’m probably being a bit stupid but I need to know if I’m doing something wrong.
I have 2 sections:-
Statement (any number of pages)
Backer (T&C, 1 page always)
If I set both pages to duplex, I just get duplex documents for each section but I want section 1 to always start on a front-facing (i.e. Odd-numbered) page.
For those of you interested in how I solved this, I did the following.
As I am generating duplex-ready PDFs for the client, I disabled all duplex options for both the Statement and the Backer sections. I then created a post-pagination script and executed the following:
This effectively says that for any resultant Statement + Backer which is an odd number of pages, go back and set the Backer section to a minimum of 2 pages. As this just contains an A4 PDF background, the result is a second, blank page for this section. The document is now duplex-safe.