Digital Signature with Signature Image?

Is there a way to add a Signature Image to a Digital Signature?

Also the coordinates for placing the visible signature don’t seem to be placing the digital signature where I was expecting it to show up. I was thinking that it should be using the left-top as the starting point, but the Y coordinate appears to be working from the bottom of the page instead of the top of the page.

I’m using PPC 2020.2.1.67630 with a JKS Keystore in the output preset. Using the All in One plugin in workflow as an action and output management is handled by workflow.

You tick the Add additional content option on the second page of the Output Preset Wizard, then in the next page, select Add | Image and fill out the information. As mentioned in the online help, the bottom setting lets you specify the margin between the image and the bottom of the page.

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Works great. Finding the exact placement takes a little bit of trial and error. Probably need to grab a ruler :wink:

Yep, slapping a visual GUI on that page is part of my wish list. We’ll get to it eventually.