Data not repeating as expected

Hi - I have a table that I have extracted using a repeat step. I have two fields one pat to name and the amount. When I add the table to my template I am using data-repeat at the row level. I am using two cells - 1st cell = Pay to Name which seems to be repeating as expected, the 2nd cell in the same row is using - Amount which is not repeating as expected. I get NA then on the second line I get the amount that would be expected on the fist line. I dont understand why I am getting NA.

Test name NA ( which should be .10%)
Test Name #2 .10% ( which should be .40%)

Using this script. The same as the Pay to Name that is working.
results.each(function(index) {
var field, result = “”;

field = record.tables.CU_vendor[index].fields.amount;
if (field !== "") result += field;



Any suggestions?

Hello @ahaddad,

Can you also please share the Data Mapping Configuration and Template files, from which all sensitive data has been removed?

Thank you - I may be all set on this. I was preparing a sample file for you and I deleted a couple things that I thought wasn’t being used. It seems as though there was something hitting up against that one field. It now seems to be working fine. If I run into any other issues with this I will send template and data mapper along for help.