I have a script I use in the Data Mapper thought a Database Configuration but need to transfer to xml data configuration.
The script is used to trigger on the script condition.
The problem I have is that the xml data configuration doesn’t have the option for scripting on the Trigger. (I’ve attached a screen shot of the current data mapper).
Not with XML. The only thing that comes close to what you are looking for is setting the boundaries trigger to OnChange (presumably targetting the AddressPostcode element). But it looks like your looking for a combination of two elements, so that might not work like you want.
If it doesn’t, then an XSLT transformation might be required.
Okay thanks Phil. I’ll just use the boundaries trigger OnChange.
Could I ask if there’s a way to create a sequence number but not on the top record but using the detail table?
So the record would jump by the number of detail records i.e 1, 2, 5(if record 2 had 3 detail record), 6…
I’m not quite sure I understand your request, but it seems to involve storing values that depend on previous records. That’s not possible in the DataMapper: records are independent from one another, if only because any one of them could be filtered out (or reordered) at the Job Creation step, which would completely screw up your counters.
If you can explain with a little more detail what you’re aiming for, I’m sure we can come up with a Workflow-based solution.