Create Email Content attachment size

Hi there,

in the designer, I add a background from PDF DataMapper input. this PDF input has a size of about 30kb. and there are two images (header and footer) of size 110kb in total.

I am having a problem with the size of my both output PDFs, in my workflow I store the PDF then I use ‘Create Email Content’ and I click on the ‘Print context as PDF Document’. when I receive the email the size the attachment is about 1000kb and the stored PDF is 575kb. And when I use ‘Send Email’ the attachment the size is the same as the stored PFD.
why does the size change? and is there a way to keep the size to a minimum? which is about140kb.

Thank you

Unlike the PDF attachment from the Print Context directly added to the email, the PDF generated via the Create Output plugin is further optimized using the Optimized Output license in the Weaver engine.

Now, you can set the compression of the PDF attachments which reduce a lot the resulting PDF, even if it is attached from the Print Context directly. See Compressing PDF Attachement.