Content Copy Fit "Fit to width only" checks only first line

I have a div box with three lines. Every line is a paragraph and has an own variable in it and the text is differently formatted (different font sizes).
I want to reduce the font-size per line automatically if the line content do not fit in the line. So I tried to use the integrated function “Copy Fit” and configured it as follows.

  • Option “Copy Fit”: checked
  • Minimum font size: 4pt
  • Maximum font size: (empty)
  • Option “Fit to width only”: checked
  • Child: p (I tried it also without child specification)

The first line will be handled correctly, but line2 and line3 will be ignored.
Lets say the text in line3 is to long: The font-size should be reduced, but what happens is a line break. Even if that text does not have enough space to go to the next line (line break) it is not reduced by the function.

Best regards,

You can solve this by wrapping each P element–of the parent DIV element–in a “normal” DIV element. And then you can apply the “Copy Fit” option to each individual DIV element.

P.S. Based on the documentation about the “Copy Fit” option, it applies the “Copy Fit” option settings at one single child element.

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Thank you Marten! That did the trick. :slight_smile: