I have a Connect Send Workflow with olcs_transfer and olcs_interaction process. The olcs_interaction process gives me a preview website in browser.
Now I want to get a preview website without using the olcs printer driver.
I have a website (on an external server, not the PlanetPress Workflow Server) where customers can upload a pdf. As a response the customer should get back the Connect Send preview website (as if he had used the olcs printer driver).
Does somebody has any idea how to achieve that?
Or is there a detailed technical documentation to Connect Send? I need the information how to create a job that can be handled by “Get Job Data” plugin.
I haven’t tested it, but I would probably try embedding that external server’s upload page in a <iframe> element within the page served by the Workflow server. This would allow you to control your own preview while allowing end-users to access the external server.
You might run into CORS issues, though, because both pages are located on different domains. But it’s still worth trying. Perhaps someone else in the community, with more experience in that sort of thing, can elaborate on this technique (or completely shoot it down if it can’t work as expected!).
Thank you for your reply. But my main problem is, the olcs_transfer process does not accept my request file.
I want to simulate the olcs printer driver but do not know what it sends additionally to the xml request. I think it writes data to the olcs database (hsqldb)…
You can’t simulate what the driver does. It zips, encrypt, chunks and synchronizes the data with the Workflow server. In order to recreate all of that, we’d have to provide you with the original source code… and obviously, we’re not inclined to do that…
I can understand that.
But can you tell me how to generate a unique id like the jobid (uid) that Connect Send generate? Or how I can access the Connect Send hsqldb?
I have a plan for a workaround solution but need to be sure my job pdfs get a real unique job id…
Unfortunately, that’s the kind of information I can’t share either. If you start writing to the Connect Send database, it could have severe consequences on Connect Send itself.
If you want to “simulate” the same kind of behavior (i.e. storing unique Job IDs in a database), you can use the Data Repository to store your IDs. To generate random and unique ID’s in Workflow, you can use the %u or %U variables.