Connect Designer not scaling for 4K screens

Hi - I just tried this and so far so good!! Thank you so much!

A little update on this issue and Connect. We have been able to make some improvements for high dpi / Windows scaling in Connect 2023.1.

What I and QA have tested so far means that it would work out of the box without the need to apply any workarounds like compatibility settings or changing .ini files. The main template editor will also pick up all the available space like it is supposed to do.

There are still many different settings that you can make in Windows regarding scaling and while we have tested many we can’t test all of them. I would be interested in hearing your feedback once 2023.1 is out which typically happens around May / June.


@robbie I use 2023.1 for some time now, but I see no improvements whatsoever. Where exactly are those “improvements”?

They should be visible directly. No need for any workarounds or modifications to .ini files.

If you have have used any workarounds like compatibility mode or modified .ini files before on your system they might still be applied even if you installed a new version of Connect.

I think the settings for compatibility mode are saved in the Windows registry not in the actual installation folder. Right clicking on Designer.exe → properties → compatibility, all checkboxes should be unchecked also for the ones behind the “Change high DPI settings” button.

The Designer.ini file by default will only have these settings related to scaling:

This does still not work. Icons and other elements are still tiny.

If I change values in the .ini file as I described above I can scale Icons and other UI elements so they are better visible on HighDPI screens, and now also the center view (source, Design, Preview) are no longer garbled, but then I have horizontal lines in the code editors every about four lines that vanish after I scroll a few times over them.

So basically the same problems on High resolution screens as with all versions since 2019.

Addition: If I scale using the ini file the cursor vanishes in a lot of places, e.g. if you try to create a snippet you get no cursor for the name.

So the .ini file workaround actually does not work as it leads to other, even worse, ergonomics problems.

Edit: Actually the “no cursor” problem also happens with an unmodified .ini files, so this is related to that other bug where the cursor vanishes in the Javascript Editors and that also is not fixed for years.

Connect 2023.1 works correctly for me on my high dpi monitor. Also QA who has tested this change confirmed that it worked for them.

I don’t know why you are getting different results on your machine.

Actually the “no cursor” problem also happens with an unmodified .ini files, so this is related to that other bug where the cursor vanishes in the Javascript Editors and that also is not fixed for years.

Can you create a new Support ticket via our website for this please? The reason why I am asking this is because it will be good to look into this issue further.

@robbie That may be so, but that you cannot reproduce it does not make it go away in my case. I report this for years and I am promised solutions for years, that never come. I have to point out that this is a major usability problem and could lead to problems with the german office for workspace safety, they are quite inquisitive when it comes to unergonomic software. Also since it was solved in Eclipse years ago I really cannot understand the problem solving this.

@Marten I reported this bug multiple times over the last months via german support. There should be already tickets for it. Or were those not relayed to the devs as was promised?

Can you provide us the ticket number of one of the tickets via which you have reported this please?

192370, 194205, 1086182

The first report is from 2021 …

A lot of time I get the feedback that bugs cannot be relayed to the devs because the local supporters “cannot reproduce them”, even If I provided screencaps as proof.

Thank you for sharing the requested ticket numbers.

Can you provide us the steps please by which you are able to reproduce this issue on your environment by submitting a new Support request or by creating a new forum post? Because I’m able to reproduce the behaviour of the missing cursor when executing the following steps. However, the cursor will reappear as soon as I move my mouse.

  1. Open the Edit script window
  2. Add a new line
  3. Press Enter