Circulare/multiple reference

I keep getting these two warnings below and I’m having trouble creating my output. Is there a way to deal with these?

Circular/multiple reference encountered when processing “documentSetGroupingFields” property (Core_602)

Circular/multiple reference encountered when processing “jobGroupingField” property (Core_602)

Have you been able to deal with this?

If not, I suggest you open a technical support call at 1-866-348-5863 or through our website. That will require someone to remote in at your site and troubleshoot some more.

I haven’t encountered had the warnings anymore, so I guess it got fixed somehow.

Hi all,

I`ve just noticed the same warning as @Willem.

What would be the reason for this?
Is there a fix for it?

I`m running on 2020.2.1.67630

EDIT: I have cleared my messages pane, and after CRTL +P these warnings appeared again for a number of 50


The ‘Circular/multiple reference encountered when processing “element” property (Core_602)’ warning messageS are shown in the Messages pane after opening the Print, Proof Print or Output Creation dialog in PlanetPress Connect version 2020.2.1 or older. As far as I know, these warning messages won’t be shown in the Messages pane after opening one of these dialogs in the next release of PlanetPress Connect.