I have a table that is a regular absolute positioned table. Using another script this table gets populated as if it was a detail table. What I want to do is use the same table but instead make it a detail table by changing the tables attributes. Below code using the table ID does change the attribute to detail. I know this because when I select the table in design mode the tables attribute “Detail Table” is set to none and when I select preview mode the attribute is set to the detail table that I want. However the table only shows the first line of the data and not the rest. Is there any other attributes that I need to configure?
EDIT: This is what I get from the logger:
INFO [22 Feb 2018 09:19:24,295][main] com.objectiflune.scripting.engine.OLErrorReporter.processLogMessage(OLErrorReporter.java:?)[SOURCE=New Script - Line 6]
<table id=“D51table” class=“D51TableClass” data-column-resize=“True” data-hide-when-empty=“True” data-detail=“D51table” anchor=“page_media_0”
style=“width: 415px; position: absolute; top: -84.26670000000001px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; page-break-after: avoid; left: -4.266670000000001px; height: 10px;” title=“D51table” offset-x=“18.416662443237303” offset-y=“206.73329999999999”>
<tr data-repeat=“”>
<td class=“data Service” style=“width: 8.43%; text-align: center;”>@serv@</td>
<td class=“data MeterNumber” style=“width: 13.01%; text-align: center;”>@meter@</td>
<td class=“data PreviousReading” style=“width: 17.83%; text-align: center;”>@previous@</td>
<td class=“data PresentReading” style=“width: 16.39%; text-align: center;”>@present@</td>
<td class=“data Consumption” style=“width: 14.22%; text-align: center;”>@consump@</td>
<td class=“data Period” style=“width: 15.18%; text-align: center;”>@period@</td>
<td class=“data DailyAverage” style=“width: 14.94%; text-align: center;”>@average@</td>