Is there a better method to capture a signature from a web page?
The notion is to create a PDF from data received from a HTML form that image of the signature signed from the web page. I’m using this example/code to draw the signature.
Example: Signature Pad demo
Code: GitHub - szimek/signature_pad: HTML5 canvas based smooth signature drawing
I can use a post if I pass the base64 to a hidden text field.
document.getElementById(‘hid_sig’).value = signaturePad.toDataURL(‘image/png’);
<button id=“bnt_submit” value=“Submit” name=“bnt_submit” type=“submit” >Submit</button >
<input id=“hid_sig” name=“hid_sig” type=“text”>
Within workflow the base64 would need to be converted, named and pulled into a template dynamically to create the PDF with the signature image.