Cant get connect to do the most basic things. Help?

I have a very, very basic template created, with a simple XML datamapping. I attempt to start a workflow to test. I have the XML as sample data. I step from folder capture (which presumably is overridden by the sample data to the “execute data mapping” plugin. I get the following:

Start debugging.

WPROC: Process1 (thread id: 2516) - 15:54:15

Starting plugin Execute Data Mapping - 15:54:18
Server IP address: http://localhost/
Parsed Server IP address: http://localhost/
Server Port: 9340
Parsed Server Port: 9340
Username: ol-admin
Parsed username: ol-admin
Sending file data source…
W3001 : Error while executing plugin: Socket Error # 11001
Host not found
Execute Data Mapping: W1603 : Plugin failed - 15:54:21 (elapsed time: 00:00:02:442)

So, what is going wrong? I think this is saying the workflow can’t find the server. I did restart the server and confirmed it was running by going to services to see.

Hello Gary,

Sounds to me like there’s an error in the server address. Your says http://localhost/, but this is not a URL, it’s a server name or IP. It should be exactly localhost or without the http protocol and trailing slash.

Hope this helps,