Can not connect to server while starting datamapper wizard

Hello everyone,

I hope someone can help me. I have just updated my Connect Designer to newest one and when I tried to start a datamapping wizard I run on a problem. I got this message:

I have tried usernames and pasword from help file and it was not good.
Does anyone have idea how to solve it?


Can you let us know please if the Connect Server is installed on the same environment as the one on which the Connect Designer has been installed?

I would say, please check whether the credentials entered in the Enter credentials window matches with the credentials of one of the users as available in the list of Security and Users in the Connect Server Configuration application. You can access the list of Security and Users by going to: Connect Server Configuration application > (Preferences window) > Connections > Security and Users > Authorized Users

Marten, thank you for your reply.
The server is not installed in the same environment. We have separate server where Connect server is installed so more of us can access it. In previous versions we didn’t need server connections.
We were sending to specific folders to import configurations and template and data mapper and also we had separate folders for job tickets.

Best regards