I am trying to break a static table in the designer. I have added the data-breakable attribute to the row elements of the table. When I do that, the table doesn’t break. In addition, when I add a positioned div box after the table, the box is not selectable\dragable with the mouse and its content doesn’t show on the preview.
What is the correct way of breaking a static table? I am using pplanetpress connect v2020.1
Your code looks fine. I think you are hitting the default widows and orphans settings of the table hence the limited numbers of rows. Add the following to the styles of your table: widows:1;orphans:1;
This was already set in the table, this website just didn’t show it when I pasted the code. The table doesn’t break when it reaches the bottom margin. The whole table is simply moved to the next page.
If you look at the screenshot below, I have added a DIV box after the table, notice that on the far uper right window the Designer does not show the default ID, Class and Geometry attributes for the DIV box.
So there is a side effect in that when you add the data-breakable attribute to the row elements of a static table, and then add a DIV box on the page, the attributes of the div box are not shown in Design View.
In my actual production template that has 3 dynamic tables before this static table and another standard static table, the div box is not even selectable or dragable with the mouse, a behavior I haven’t been able to reproduce with this simple template, so there is a second side effect that needs investigating.
It seems that the Attributes of the <div> are only available in Preview mode. I cannot explain why this happens and don’t know how to resolve it. It seems that the Outline view is confused. I have created a bug report for it [internal ref SHARED-82981].
On another note, I arrived back in France this morning. Tomorrow is actually my last day working with Connect, at least for the foreseable future. I got to be closer to family now:-).
It was a pleasure working with Connect. I was really beginning to love it but one has to move on… I want to send you and @Phil special thanks for all the assistance you have given me on this forum over the past 2/3 years.
Family always comes first! We’re sad to see the community lose one of its member but in this case, we can only be happy for you. If you ever cross paths with Connect again, you know you’ll find us right here!