Best way to use NUp Print on Connect

Good morning everybody,

In PPS7 we had a way to create a page of type “Virtual”, apply the data, then create a page of type “Normal”, apply an object of type N-Up Printing and choose the number of repetitions das páginas virtuais criadas anteriormente. What is the best way to do this today in Connect Designer?

Hello @Thales,

You should start by reading this.

My question would be which of the segments would “draw” her.
Media, Master page or Print (Context)

The Print Section (Context) is always the end result. Although a Print Section can have multiple output pages for a single record. If you really want to have something similar in PP7, try to see the Print Section as a Form Page in PP7 while using overflow on a data repeat. Again this is just a similarity but not an “equivalent”.

The Master Pages are common items to Print Section. The Media controls the page size.

Try not to think on how you would have done it in PP7 as it greatly differs from Connect. Better to focus on the end result you want in Connect.

tks. We got the job done