Background Image showing as red X

I have a normal template, nothing strange, with a PDF set as the background image of the Print Section. Proofs ok through Connect “Proof Print” but when output via Workflow the background is replaced with a red X.

The name of the PDF background image was quite long. On a whim, I renamed the PDF, imported it, set the Print Section to use the same, but shorter named, PDF, and the issue resolved.

Is there a limitation on the size of the path or filename for internal background images?

I can not answer your question (“Is there a limitation on the size of the path or filename for internal background images?”) but I had a similar issue in another software (PrintShop Mail Suite). There it was not the length of the name. The PDF file was created on a MAC and the filename had umlauts. Normally it is not a problem, but MAC used strange encoding (or whatever). So the solution was to rename the file (replacing the umlaut by the same umlaut). :roll_eyes: