
When I attempt to access the original file name of the sample data via , I am getting a blank input for the field. I have two data samples, testTemplate.pdf, and testTemplate2.pdf . “Field” below just appears as blank for me. I would expect that this field would populate as testTemplate.pdf, as that is the originalFilename. Am I misunderstanding how this automation property is used?

Thanks in advance,


That automation property only works in combination with Workflow. It will automatically import the value in %o (original filename) for use in Connect.

Thank you for your response. I see that if I use it with workflow, it will work as I intend with a small hiccup. Say my filename is a name, LizMcBride.pdf . I am wanting to read that filename, split it on the capital letters and create a firstName and lastName field using those values. I understanding the script for that, andI’ve done this successfully in datamapper, however, my split array split[1] doesn’t exist yet given that for datamapper’s purpose, the array is empty (It’s not given a value until workflow).

This, in turn, throws an error in my extraction step, and prevents further extractions down the channel. Should I be doing this script in a pre or post processor step? Or just in an extract step at the very end?

Thank you again for any and all help,


You can set a default value in the datamapper preprocessor step (green flag). You’ll find it under Fixed Automation Properites. Just click the Default Value field and enter some sample text. This will allow you to test your scripts in the Designer without having to pass it through the Workflow first.

Thank you! This is exactly what I needed. I appreciate your time and assistance.