Auto-format date in workflow even if it's a string.

I have an issue with dates. In my XML, there is no time, only the date. In the Designer, I extract the date as STRING, not as DATE. I don’t want Planet managing dates. When I do Preview in the Designer, I don’t see the time only the date. That’s what I want. But when it passes in the workflow, I see date and time.

Where do I check for the workflow so to disable auto-format even if the date is set as string?

I tried and could not reproduce that behavior on Connect 1.2. Could you provide a sample of your data containing dates, along with the steps you’re using in Workflow?

Just set a simple XML tag with a date as dd/mm/yyyy.

Create a process, test it many times. On 10 times, some has a formatted date by the workflow. The date is always good in Designer. But not in Workflow.

Tested it multiple time, with the same date format, never got the error. Sometimes it’s a small detail that crept into a config that makes the difference.