Is anyone running PlanetPress Connect on AWS?
I know VM is discouraged, but still curious.
First, let me prefix this response by stating that AWS is not yet officially supported with Connect. We are currently in the process of certifying the platform.
That said, we do know for a fact that several users are already running Connect successfully on the AWS M4 platform. Conversely, we also know that Connect does not work properly on the AWS M5 platform; this issue will be fixed in version 2019.1, by which time we should be able to list AWS as one of the officially supported platforms.
I would recommend waiting until AWS is officially supported, but if you can’t wait until then, you should only attempt installing Connect on AWS M4.
Thanks for the reply. We seem to be running OK so far. My client ran Windows Update and seems to have resolved the installation.
fyi, i have multiple clients on AWS using S3 buckets etc. It’s all good.