I have a v7 Design document that I’m running in Connect Workflow that emails a simple pdf. There’s a condition that checks if the language is French or English, based on the data. If I use an English test file, it works fine. If I use a French test file, I get the following error:
INFO: Processing file C:\ProgramData\Objectif Lune\PlanetPress Workflow 8\PlanetPress Image\QueuedJobs\22AE3672.ps
DEBUG: Reading job options from input file
DEBUG: Watch Process Name : statement_email_test
INFO: Starting conversion…
INFO: Initializing PlanetPress Alambic…
INFO: Distilling file to État de Compte.pdf…
DEBUG: The Alambic server crashed while reading the output and will be restarted. Please try again. (Error reading from server: Error code 109: The pipe has been ended.)
DEBUG: Recoverrable error detected, retrying…
ERROR: I1007 : Error while converting to PDF : The Alambic server crashed while reading the output and will be restarted. Please try again. (Error reading from server: Error code 109: The pipe has been ended.)
ERROR: I1005 : Error while processing job; moving file to error folder: 22AE3672.ps
I have a feeling the problem might have something to do with the French characters. This is the contents of the ps file that was moved to the error folder. I noticed that on the 3rd line, the É is replaced with \311:
%%ArchiveDestination: c:\
%%ArchiveFilename: \311tat de Compte
%%ArchiveForm: Statement
%%ArchiveMethod: PDF
%%autoExtension: 1
%%autoRotate: 0
%%colorDownsample: 3
%%grayDownsample: 3
%%colorResolution: 300
%%grayResolution: 300
%%monoResolution: 1200
%%colorCompression: 0
%%grayCompression: 0
%%monoCompression: 1
%%asciiEncode: 0
%%flateCompressText: 1
%%optimizeView: 1
%%embedAll: 1
%%subset: 1
%%PDFmasterPassword: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
%%encryptionMethod: 0
%%canChange: 1
%%canCopy: 0
%%canNotes: 0
%%canPrint: 1
%%MailWith: SMTP
Any ideas why it might have problems with the French chars/data?