Advice for empty printer tray fallback to alternate tray


We have a Konica Minolta C4080 printer, which we currently print to using LPR. We have defined trays 1-5 and bulk white paper is stacked into trays 3 & 4. We are using a official current PPD for the specific printer.

We print using Tray 3 most, but when it runs out of paper, we’d like it to start using Tray 4.

How should I approach the solution? Is this a script in the template media selection, a setting in the Output Preset printer definition, a custom PPD alteration, or configuration on the printer itself?

Thanks in advance.

I was reading the Konica Minolta Bizhub C454 user manual and it has an auto tray switch option that you can switch on. If enabled it will pull from another tray with the same paper size loaded when the current tray is empty.
I would suggest that the KM C4080 has a similar option, so I believe the functionality you are after needs to be done on the printer side.

Best Regards

Justin Leigh