after metadata sorting during sequencing I want to add blank pages to documents with odd pages (simply for duplex printing). Next step is PDF-creation (passthru).
Can I just add empty datapages to the metadata? Does it render as an empty pdf page? How to achieve that?
this time (just pass-thru merged pdfs) I want to do it oldschool (via metadata).
Using connect I know how to solve that, but since workflow is actually part of our connect suite I’m wondering how to do that and this forum is called PlanetPress Connect Workflow.
So do I have to change forums if I want some help regarding tools still present in Connect?
Here’s a reaaallllyyyyy old script I wrote to do exactly that (it was written in VBScript, which just shows how old it is!!!).
It appears to still work. The idea is that you add a blank page to the PDF itself, then add metadata elements that point to that blank page. That way, you don’t have to physically insert tons of blank pages inside the PDF.
You’ll probably have to tweak it:
'' This script pads PDF files for duplex outputs.
'' It adds a blank page at the end of the PDF and pads either
'' metadata groups, documents or pages by adding a reference to
'' this empty page when one of the above has an odd
'' number of physical pages.
Option Explicit
Dim MyPDF, MyMeta, MyParams, MyLastPageIndex, i, j, k, isPageAdded, MyPDFRect
MyParams = Array("Document")
Set MyPDF = Watch.GetPDFEditObject
Set MyMeta = CreateObject("MetadataLib.MetaFile")
On Error Resume Next
MyPDF.Open Watch.GetJobFileName, False
if Err.Number <> 0 then
Watch.Log "Error opening PDF job file",1
On Error Goto 0
Err.Raise 12, "", "Error opening PDF job file"
end if
On Error Goto 0
MyLastPageIndex = MyPDF.Pages.Count
set MyPDFRect = MyPDF.Pages.Item(MyLastPageIndex-1).Size
On Error Resume Next
MyMeta.LoadFromFile Watch.GetMetadataFileName
if Err.Number <> 0 then
Watch.Log "Error opening Metadata file",1
On Error Goto 0
Err.Raise 14, "", "Error opening Metadata file"
end if
On Error Goto 0
if MyParams(0)="Document"then
'Pad Documents
For i = 0 to MyMeta.Job.Count - 1
for j = 0 to MyMeta.Job.Group(i).Count - 1
if MyMeta.Job.Group(i).Document(j).Selected then
if (MyMeta.Job.Group(i).Document(j).SelectedPageCount mod 2 <> 0) then
AddDataPageAfter LastSelectedDP(MyMeta.Job.Group(i).Document(j))
Watch.Log "Added a page to Document "&j+1,3
end if
end if
elseif MyParams(0)="Group" then
'Pad groups
For i = 0 to MyMeta.Job.Count - 1
if (MyMeta.Job.Group(i).SelectedPageCount mod 2 <> 0) then
AddDataPageAfter LastSelectedDP(LastSelectedDoc(MyMeta.Job.Group(i)))
end if
'Pad Pages
For i = 0 to MyMeta.Job.Count - 1
for j = 0 to MyMeta.Job.Group(i).Count - 1
for k = 0 to MyMeta.Job.Group(i).Document(j).Count - 1
if MyMeta.Job.Group(i).Document(j).Datapage(k).Selected then
AddDataPageAfter MyMeta.Job.Group(i).Document(j).Datapage(k)
end if
end if
if isPageAdded then
MyPDF.Pages.Insert MyLastPageIndex, MyPDFRect
MyPDF.Save False
MyMeta.SaveToFile Watch.GetMetadataFileName
Watch.Log "PDF (pages=" & MyPDF.Pages.Count & ") & Meta saved",3
end if
' That's it... The rest of the code is just global functions
Sub AddDataPageAfter(oDP)
if not (oDP is nothing) then
Set oDP = oDP.Parent.Add(oDP.Parent.Count)
isPageAdded = True
'' TODO: check code
oDP.RealIndex = MyLastPageIndex
oDP.Offset = MyLastPageIndex
odp.Add 0
end if
end sub
Function LastSelectedDP(oDoc)
Dim i
Set LastSelectedDP=nothing
if oDoc is Nothing then
err.raise 1, "Padder", "Could not find any selected Document in the Metadata"
exit function
end if
For i = oDoc.PageCount-1 to 0 step -1
if oDoc.DataPage(i).Selected then
Set LastSelectedDP=oDoc.DataPage(i)
exit for
end if
End Function
Function LastSelectedDoc(oGroup)
Dim i
Set LastSelectedDoc=nothing
if oGroup is Nothing then
err.raise 1, "Padder", "Could not find any selected Group in the Metadata"
exit function
end if
For i = oGroup.DocumentCount-1 to 0 step -1
if oDoc.Document(i).Selected then
Set LastSelectedDoc=oGroup.Document(i)
exit for
end if
End Function
Function LastSelectedGroup(oJob)
Dim i
Set LastSelectedGroup=nothing
For i = oJob.Count-1 to 0 step -1
if oJob.Group(i).Selected then
Set LastSelectedGroup=oJob.Group(i)
exit for
end if
End Function