I have 2 Master Pages and 2 sections on print context for Invoice
My section 1 is using Master Page 1 and Section 2 -->Master Page 2,
the invoice I’m building will have Section 1 Static and will be always at the front page(will start always with page 1 of N), my section 2 on the other side has a dynamic table and should start on the back of Section 1 (Page 2 of N), section 2 can span multiple pages because of the data for the dynamic table, the issue I have is when section 2 has even pages need to add a blank page so my invoice can be printed as duplex, current options that Designer gives me when checking duplex wont work because it adds a blank page when my section is odd, but that doesn’t work because when added to section 1 it makes again odd the invoice.
Current PDF output im getting:
Invoice 1-sheet 1 : Page 1 of 2 (Section 1) Page 2 of 2(section 2)
Invoice 2-sheet 2 and front sheet 3: Page 1 of 3(Section 1) Page 2 of 3(section 2) Page 3 of 3(section 2)
Invoice 3-back sheet 3 and front sheet 4: Page 1 of 2 (Section 1) Page 2 of 2(section 2)
I get a pdf with 7 pages with my invoice 3 starting in back of the sheet #3 ,that wont work as this needs to be a duplex job
expected output
Invoice 1-sheet 1 : Page 1 of 2 (Section 1) Page 2 of 2(section 2)
Invoice 2-sheet 2 and sheet 3: Page 1 of 3(Section 1) Page 2 of 3(section 2) Page 3 of 3(section 2) - insert blank page
Invoice 3-sheet 4: Page 1 of 2 (Section 1) Page 2 of 2(section 2)