1 Record Per Impression


Is it possible to have 1 data record per impression for printing mixed simplex/duplex pages?

The reason I need this is that my data has 2 records for 1 duplex sheet and I can’t seem to get the data record to advance to the next record for the back of the first page.


One way of achieving this is to redo your Datamapper so all of your record are inside a detail table. This way, you totally control what goes on which page.

I have now got all data fields and tables being loaded into 1 details table of the record but I now have many records with 1 detail record each.

My text data file is delimited with FF and I have been switching this on and off and experimenting with the action tasks but am not yet able to get to add all of the data records as detail rows, is there an easy way to do this that I am missing?

Can your data be “group” in small chunk? Like multiple pages of an invoices in a file full of invoices?

Here is how I did it:

My data

My boundaries

As you see, the trick is to set no FF, no number of lines and to define a boundaries that will never be found (which forces the Datamapper to include the whole file in 1 record). In my case, I am looking for “-” at the beginning of each lines. The downside is that if your data file is big, it might be slow at Design time. I suggest you start with a small sample.

My steps

My Repeat is Until no more elements
My Condition is to look for Page 1 of
If it is true I extract the values**
If it is false I do nothing
After the condition, I execute the Goto.

That should get you started.

Of course, if you can group your data in smaller chunk, like in my previous post, then that would make the design part easier.

Thanks, I managed to get the detail records populated correctly now.

Next week I will start working with the duplex pages in the designer again.